The majority of my posts lately have been kinda stupid or just pictures! So im actually gonna write something today! For some strange reason i just watched the Lizzie McGuire movie! lol! its very cheesy and most of it doesnt make sense- like the fact that shes just graduating from jr. high so shes like in 8th grade and shes "dating" a 17 year old pop star and then becomes famous or something...kinda weird! lol! Anyways...i dont think you care all that much about it tho! So today i went to swimming at 9 in the morning. ugh.
Umm.. i have a lax game 2marow! yayy!
ya know what song im really sick of??? Friends dont let friends dial drunk by plain white t's!
OOOOOH im gonna get a silver sharpie and draw zebra stripes on my chux! cool huh?!?!
ya i know!
Im on pandora and the song "A penny loafer saved is a penny" is on and i kinda like it! i really really really wanna get there new album!! badly but my mother monitors my money and i have to keep it in the bank so i cant get it until i get a giftcard or something!!!!!! aaaaaaaah! im gonna die!
OOH i also really like the song Breakdown by Mae! Its very good!
i want txting.
but i not allowed.
Heres a cute quote -
Life is to short to
wake up in the
morning with regrets.
So love the people
who treat you right
forget about the ones
who dont believe
that everything
happens for a reason.
If you get a chance,
take it. If it changes
your life, let it.
Nobody said that it
would be easy, they
just promised it
would be worth it.
Idk i found it on photo bucket but i sat and typed it instead of just putting the picture! Idk y

That ones cute 2!!
Anyways i gtg!
1 comment:
that is weird! I mean how can she only be in 8th and her parents are letting her go to rome?????
And its also weird they don't do those "BIG and fancy" graduations - for only Eight grde! I mean how can she be dating when she's only 14? expesically a 17 year old! Questions - I got um'
oh- well
-laura / lasgirl
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